I want you to feel 100% confident and excited about getting healthy, losing weight, and feeling your best ever!

If you feel like your cravings are taking over your life, or you worry about scary weight gain that seems to have no end in sight, let’s hop on a quick call and dig deeper together to find a personalized solution for you.

Together, we’ll find your top 3 cravings triggers, plus I’ll offer you simple, proven strategies to stop them.

“I was born with health challenges. I have seen many doctors, specialists, naturopaths, herbalists, acupuncturists, the list goes on… When I met Dori, I knew right away she was different. She has a wealth of knowledge and is kind, compassionate, a wonderful listener, and a beautiful person inside and out. 

She helped me heal my body, physically and emotionally, better than anyone else I’ve ever gone to. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, I highly recommend scheduling an appointment with Dori. You will be glad you did!”

~ Kim M.

Here’s why we need to talk...

Cravings come in 3 categories: emotional triggers, external triggers, and internal triggers.


Emotional craving triggers are stealthy.

Many people unwittingly use food to numb unwanted emotions such as stress, depression, anxiety, boredom, and fatigue. 

Seasoned cravers have done this for so long, they don’t even realize when it’s happening! (This is when mindful eating and keeping a food journal are key.)


External craving triggers include lifestyle habits and routines.

For example, you may automatically crave popcorn when you go to the movies or binge-watch Netflix. 

Or if you’re in the habit of getting less than 7-9 hours of zzz’s, that can turn off your ability to feel full, even though you’ve had enough to eat. Your normal nighttime routine is causing cravings all day long – a perfect example of an external trigger.


Internal craving triggers are caused by your body chemistry.

They are the sneakiest and can come in the form of hormone imbalances, nutrient or mineral deficiencies, gut infections, food intolerances, and more! 

So for example, if you have a gut infection like candida, your body will crave carbs intensely to feed this fungal infection. Yikes!

My clients consistently have a combination of all three triggers, but they typically come to me trying to rely on willpower alone or only addressing one of the three areas.

Not sure which craving triggers you need to address first? 

Ready to crush your cravings for good?

Let’s find the answers together.


I’ll help you discover your top 3 triggers, plus discuss options for a customized protocol to help you break free of your cravings for good, plus reach your weight and health goals.

I’ve been where you are, and I understand how frustrating it feels. I also understand the serious health issues it can cause.

There are answers, and I can’t wait to share them!