Let’s get to know each other!


My name is Dori Martin, and I’m a trained Stress and Cravings Expert and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. (Translation: I know a LOT about holistic health and functional labs.)

I’m also a certified massage therapist, yoga teacher, resilience coach, and EFT practitioner. I love to learn, and my goal is to know everything I can that might help my clients feel healthier and happier.

Most importantly, I can walk past a party spread of cookies, cakes, dips and chips without needing willpower or feeling deprived!

But that wasn’t always the case...

For decades, I struggled monumentally with stress and cravings, though I didn’t realize how much the two were connected.

What I did know was that my health, mood, self-esteem, appearance, and quality of life were NOT where I wanted them to be.

And I reached a point where it literally became a matter of life and death that I make a change. 

But let’s start at the beginning...


My trouble started growing up, when my parents bought Cozy Cafe: an ice cream and froyo shop where I worked 4-5 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Not only was I missing out on a social life, I was trapped with The Enemy: 10 varieties of Dreyer’s ice cream, 10 yummy flavors of rich Italian gelato, endless batches of fresh oven-baked cookies, and 6 types of froyo with an impressive selection of 20 colorful, sugary toppings.

While daily visits to the ice cream shop might sound like a dream come true, it was my worst nightmare as a teen caught in a cycle of craving, binging, and dieting. Every day, my resolve to eat healthy was crushed by closing time at the cafe.

Stressed about homework or finals? Feeling anxious or depressed about my isolation? 

No problem! I’d bury my emotions in double-fudge chocolate gelato and Famous Amos cookies with a Pepsi chaser. Then came the inevitable storm of guilt and shame.

Throughout college and well into adulthood, I actively sought help for my cravings.

I visited the campus psychologist and joined a student eating support group. Nothing seemed to work for long.

Over time (and always the perfectionist and overachiever), I learned to avoid food so masterfully that my plan backfired.

As my weight dwindled and my curves disappeared, I realized that avoidance is not the same thing as overcoming.


I survived for many years on the feast-or-famine roller coaster, torn between wrangling the stress in my life and struggling with monster cravings. I tried a little bit of everything, from Overeaters Anonymous to life as a gym rat.

Then my amazing husband – my best friend and my Why – was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.

He exhausted his chemo, radiation, and surgery options, but the tumors kept growing. He was told to get his affairs in order.


Quitting was never an option.

I dove into PubMed and followed leading integrative practitioners. And as I used my Functional Health training and professional skills to help him adopt a new treatment protocol, his tumors stopped growing. Major happy dance!

My husband started walking 10 miles every morning, following a clean keto diet, and working on his mindset. People were amazed by his energy, as he out-performed a long list of younger folks who were supposed to be healthier and stronger.

Guess who was at the top of that list? 

Yours truly.

Suddenly, my whack-a-mole approach to managing stress and staying well was no longer on the table.

My “terminally ill” husband was outpacing me physically, and I knew things had to change. For the first time in my life, I finally recognized the role stress and cravings were playing in my health.

I started by discovering my food intolerances – I experienced firsthand how your biochemistry has a massive influence on cravings. I also used my knowledge of functional labs and the pillars of health to craft a new way of living, with a focus on resilience, positivity, and community support.


I was beyond thrilled!

I felt like I’d found the holy grail to lasting health and wellness. And of course, I wanted to share this empowering, life-changing information with as many people as possible! 

As I went on to coach thousands of women through group programs, I discovered that there are many different craving triggers that originate from a variety of stressors: emotional, physical, and environmental. 

Also, these stress factors change throughout your lifetime. (Hello, midlife, hormonal/menopausal, and caregiver ladies!) The key to ditching cravings for good is knowing what those stressors are, so you can address them as soon as they come up. 

No more binge-starvation cycles! No more blaming yourself for a lack of willpower or feeling like a moral failure when you don’t eat healthy.  

You can ditch the cravings for good and enjoy food without guilt or fear. 

What I learned has changed my life, and I know it can do the same for you. 



“I’ve spoken with dozens of doctors and practitioners, but no one has ever really listened and understood my experience the way that Dori did. Her recommendations have helped me more than any other supplement, therapy, or medication over the last 10 years.”

~ Sara D.